Physical Space

Updated at 05/15/17 09:08

The PPGCA is parto f the EVZ, located at the Campus Samambaia from the UFG’s Goiânia Regional.

The EVZ has an area of ​​48 hectares for pastures and crops, as well as an extensive area with facilities to carry out didactic, research and extension activities. There are 26 classrooms, 29 laboratories, a Veterinary Hospital and facilities for the following specialties of animal production: confinement (beef cattle production), schoolyard fowl (chicken production), farm school (dairy cattle), goat breeding, fish farming, swine breeding, feed mill, and four corrals.

Aside from this structure, in 1986, the EVZ received from the Union, the Tomé Pinto Farm, with 120 hectares, in the form of an indefinite assignment. The Farm is located in the municipality of São Francisco de Goiás and since then, 10 experiments have been completed at the Farm

The PPGCA currently has a secretariat, meeting and coordination rooms, storage room, pantry, and two classrooms for 40 students each, a computer room and an auditorium with a capacity for 90 people. The consolidated infrastructure perfectly meets the universe of enrolled students, with quality and comfort.

The list of multi-user laboratories with their respective coordinators and regulations is available on the Program page for the student to sign up for the use of the sites. These laboratories involve the ambulatories of the Veterinary Hospital, the sheds and the experimental kennels, the vivarium, the clinical pathology laboratory and the cell culture laboratory. In addition to the laboratories, there is the experimental confinement of EVZ/UFG beef cattle, under the coordination of Professor Juliano José de Resende Fernandes, and the poultry, goat breeding, fish farming, swine and dairy cattle sectors, Which have a significant population of animals.

The students of the PPGCA also have available the space of the Center for Research in Food (CPA). The CPA is a regional and national reference in microbiological and physical-chemical quality control of raw materials and finished products destined to human and animal feeding, and in training of labor and research and new technologies development. It is currently composed of 5 analytical units, which are: Laboratory of Microbiology of Food and Water (LMA), Laboratory of Quality of Milk (LQL), Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LBM), Laboratory of Microbiology (LMB) and Laboratory of Physic -Chemistry (LFQ).

Undergraduate and graduate students devote part of their time to providing clinical, surgical and sanitary care to these animals. In addition, these segments are related to the university community and the external community through the commercialization of by-products (milk, meat, eggs) and teachings about these activities within the cascade of agricultural production.